Independent Baptist Missionaries to Mexico City, Mexico

Call Us: (330) 419-0520

Wallace’s Missionary Prayer Letter October – November 2010 (Dec. 15, ’10)

Posted on December 15th 2010

Dear Pastors, Churches, Friends and Family:

Greetings in Jesus’ Name! I trust you all had a Happy Thanksgiving and that Christmas and the year end will be a blessed one for you all. Adelante. Adelante is the Spanish word for “forward” and that is were we are headed – forward to Mexico in the very near future. We are excited to be close to finishing our deputation. We are at 87%. Praise the Lord! Support has slowed a bit lately but our hopes are that several churches would take us on at the beginning of 2011 as the new year begins. Please pray that God would give us at least eight more supporters in the coming weeks (we are willing to leave if we raise near 95%).

Deputation has been a good experience for us, not always easy but perfect – just as God planned. Psalm 138:8a says, “The LORD will perfect that which concerneth me…”. Raising support, especially during a tough economy takes times. We are very thankful to those who financially and prayerfully support us (and those who are considering doing so). I have heard that it now can take up to 50 calls for a missionary to get one meeting; it can take 5 meetings to get one supporting church (that equates to up to 250 calls for one supporting church). If a missionary needed 100 supporting churches it could take 25,000 calls. Understand that there are not 25,000 good Baptist churches in the U.S. so some churches are called a few times. Some churches give more helping lower the number of supporting churches needed, and some give less. Apart from the calls is the mailings/emailing, travel, etc. We have no complaints or regrets as the Lord has been gracious to us.

As you pray for our support to increase, also pray (and give if you can and feel led) for our Outfit and Package needs to move to Mexico City. One of our supporting church’s teen group is raising money (again – as they helped us get a travel trailer) which will help us get our passports, enabling us to get 6-month tourist visas to get into the country. Hallelujah! While in Mexico, we will work on getting our religious visas which cost about $500 including fees (i.e., lawyer, etc.) for the first year. We will need to replace our vehicle before we get to Mexico, as well as transporting and/or buying furnishings for our home & church. I plan to begin a 6-month intensive language training at an academy in Mexico City, which costs $380 per month. There are other costs but these are a few you can pray about specifically.

This letter has been a bit more detailed about deputation and moving but we never want to lose sight of the main thing – salvation of souls here now and soon in Mexico City. I had a very good door-knocking opportunity recently in Tennessee while in a trailer park. A 46-year-old man name Royce G. answered the door. He was a bit rough and asked sternly what I wanted. I said, “I want to tell you that Jesus saves!” He said, “I’ve talked to the Mormons, JWs, Church of Christ, etc. – so are you any different.” I said, “Yes, I want to tell what God’s word truly says about your soul.” After witnessing to him and sharing scripture, he asked me, “Can God save a drunk?” I said, “Yes!” He then said, “Can God save a drug addict?” I said, “Yes!” He then replied, “But God can’t save a murderer, can He?” I said, “Sure He can!” I didn’t realize that he had been a member of the LA street gang “Crips.” As he began to ask God to save him, tears poured out of his eyes. Glory to God! Afterwards, he said, God sent you!” I said, “Yes, I know.” He said, “No, you don’t know. Someone hurt my daughter yesterday and I was going to get revenge today (he had already spent time in prison for murder before) but now, I don’t want to live that way anymore – I am saved!” Amen! We are looking forward to sharing with you more great testimonies from Mexico.

I must close; so bye for now. “Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the world of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you.” 2 Thessalonians 3:1. We pray for you, too. We are your servants for Jesus’ sake (2 Cor. 4:5).

Bro. Mike Wallace & Family