Wallace’s Missionary Prayer Letter October 1, 2021 (Aug. – Sep. ‘21)
Dear Pastors, Friends and Family,
October 1, 2021 (Aug. – Sep. ‘21)
We started off these last two months well with our VBS. Although the pandemic level here is one level from total lockdown, kids were so glad to get out of the house. We had attendance close to 100, with some older children, teens and parents saved. The following week we took a large group from our church to the other side of the city to another Baptist church’s conference, and had a good time with many also visiting from other Latin American countries. We see souls saved weekly in and outside of church. Recently Mary was witnessing in the street to a lady named Leslie who asked for prayer as she had a cyst growing and thought it could be cancerous, but didn’t want to get it checked. Mary shared with Leslie her testimony of cancer and told her had she died, being saved, she was sure she would go to Heaven. Mary then asked her if she died, were would she go. Not knowing, Leslie allowed Mary to share the gospel and a bit later bowed her head, trusting Christ as Savior, being born again. We go soul-winning as a church a couple times weekly, and we go to the open-air markets as a church after the morning service, the first Sunday each month, to “take church” to those who don’t come to our church. I believe we are living in the last days. Many things that are being required of the population and easily accepted without question or facts, are conditioning people for the Great Tribulation, like government mandates. Interestingly here, to enter a business, government building, park, etc., you must have your temperature taken. But the thermometer readers are designed and set up to scan your forehead. Some here don’t like that and instead put their wrists up to the reader. Everyone is now accustomed to do that here, but it is leading to full world government control in taking the mark of the Beast. Revelations 13:16 says, “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:” Praise God for salvation and the Rapture.
We are enjoying living in our new area as we still commute to Hope Baptist Church while looking for a new building here for our next church plant. Please keep praying for a church building. I found one for rent recently but it was very expensive. Our new area is just as dangerous as our old area, but the way our apartment building is situated, we don’t hear as much gun fire. God is beginning to answer our prayers for additional ministries. Apart from being close to starting a radio ministry, I believe we have an open door to minister in drug & alcohol rehabilitation centers. This was one of my prayer requests while on furlough. Our mechanic has a problem with alcohol and is a resident in a recovery program. He told the administrator that he would like for me to come preach to him and the others. With the Lord’s help, this should open other opportunities in other such facilities. Please keep praying for our health & safety. Someone attempted to rob and/or carjack us recently but God intervened. We felt a strong 7.1 earthquake last month, but fortunately there wasn’t much destruction and injuries. Hope Baptist Church’s 6th Anniversary, Independence Day and the Mission Conference went well in September. We saw many saved and a record baptism of 15 one service. The Faith Promise Mission’s commitment went well, and the church should be taking on a new missionary soon. FYI, after a 100-day wait, I now have our van registered. On a personal note, our 5th grandchild was born in late August – a girl (Oaklynn) from Joseph & Joanna. In closing, we’ve been asked to make & send a video for VBS and a Mission Conference. If you would like us to do the same for your church some time, just let us know. If you are not on our weekly update that has lots of pictures, but would like to be, just let me know. Thank you all so much for your prayers & support. We really appreciate it. We are praying for you too. God bless! We are… “…your servants for Jesus’ sake.” 2 Corinthians 4:5
Bro. Mike Wallace & Family