Independent Baptist Missionaries to Mexico City, Mexico

Call Us: (330) 419-0520

Wallace’s Missionary Prayer Letter June 1st, 2012 (Apr – May 12)

Posted on May 15th 2012

Pastors, Churches, Friends & Family,

Greetings in Jesus’ Name!  Before I forget, let me mention that our stateside postal address will be changing by the end of the summer.  We will be using Valley Independent Baptist Missions on the border to receive our postal mail.  Of course our financial support stills goes to and through our home church (First Baptist Church of Kenmore in Akron, Ohio).  I will probably mention this again in the next prayer letter but our new mailing address will be our names c/o V.I.B.M., P.O. Box 908, Donna, Texas 78537.

You may remember from our last prayer letter that a big earthquake was recently felt in Mexico City.  Since then, not only have two more big earthquakes been felt, but the volcano, Popocatépetl, which is located east of the city, has been very active, endangering the health and lives of many.  These events have brought much attention to Mexico City in the recent days, but sadly many are unaware of the greatest danger— millions of souls hopelessly perishing without the gospel in Mexico City.  Please pray faithfully for this huge harvest field and its laborers as there is still a wide-open door here at this time.  Amen!  Pray also for more laborers (Matt 9:38) as many missionaries have left Mexico (and even Mexico City), yet the population of this city grows more than 1,000 people per day.

The greatest joy in the world apart from my personal salvation is seeing others repent and trust Christ as Savior.  I believe every opportunity we have to share the gospel is directed by God, but some cases are more evident than others.  Just a couple weeks ago while knocking doors, I met a man at his home named José Hernández.  As I was witnessing too him, I couldn’t help notice the ankle monitor he was wearing.  As José began to open up, he shared with me how “coincidental” it was that he was actually home when I stopped by.  He said he had been in jail just a few days earlier, and he was due to go back.  However, the judge granted him a couple days at home due to medical issues, but to stay under house arrest.  He told me how rotten his life was and in how much trouble he had been.  I told him it was no coincidence that I was there, but that the Lord sent me.  After talking with him for some time, this hardened man humbled himself, bowed his head, and trusted Christ as Savior.  Glory to God!  That same day we knocked on another door, and although the owner wasn’t at home, the mother from a different part of Mexico was visiting.  As we shared the gospel, this elderly lady was born again.  I have heard it said that you can’t take the gospel to the wrong address, and that is so true.  Hallelujah!  We just need to be about getting the good news out.

Praise God that my wife, Mary’s, first 2-day women’s conference that she spoke at in Spanish went well.  Please continue to pray for our language abilities.  Also pray for our van situation.  Not only is our van older with well over 200,000 miles, but with its age, it can’t be driven on a daily basis in Mexico City due to the pollution emissions law.  “Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the world of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you.”  (2 Thes. 3:1)  We pray for you, too.  We are your servants for Jesus’ sake (2 Cor. 4:5).

Bro. Mike Wallace &Family