Independent Baptist Missionaries to Mexico City, Mexico

Call Us: (330) 419-0520

Wallace’s Missionary Prayer Letter February 1, 2020 (Dec.’19 – Jan. ‘20)

Posted on February 3rd 2020

Dear Pastors, Churches and Friends,

February 1, 2020 (Dec.’19 – Jan. ‘20)

We are excited what the Lord is doing here in Mexico City: saving souls, building His church, and allowing us to baptize and teach them. We are thankful for your prayers & support. It’s a blessing we’ll get to see many of you during our upcoming furlough starting later this year. We had a recent visit by a pastor and preacher who saw the needs first-hand and conditions we see daily. Recently while preaching in the open-air market, a young man named Miguel got saved when I shared the gospel with him. A funny thing happened after Miguel’s conversion. He asked me if I could watch his “display.” With a big smile, he took my tracts and started passing them out. What a blessing it is to see the change the gospel makes in people and for them to immediately be willing to share the truth that changed their life. Last month on a Saturday, Mary and I knocked on the door of Adriana. I witnessed to her and she said, “I know I don’t deserve heaven, but I want to repent and accept Jesus as my Savior to be saved.” She was just about to pray with us when she stopped and was a bit startled. She said, “Wait. Before I do this – my daughter, Sudith, is 17-years-old, and she desperately needs to hear what you told me.” Adriana called for Sudith and we presented her the gospel too. We asked Sudith, “What would you like to do with what you just heard?” She said, “I want to receive Jesus as my Savior” and she did. Actually, they both did. Adriana’s only regret she shared with us before we left was that she wished her husband would have been home to hear about the gospel, as he desperately needed God’s help. We were so surprised to see Adriana, Sudith, as well as Adriana’s husband, Alfonso, and son come to church that next day on their own, and after sharing the gospel with Alfonso, he was gloriously saved.

Mary’s dad, Jim Crawford, Jr., who is 91, recently took a downward turn in health. He had double pneumonia, an infection, bad water retention, his body temperature was below 93 degrees, and his heart rate dropped dangerously low. The doctors & Mary’s family asked for her to come be with her dad. After being there a week, Mary thought it was best if I come too, as he wasn’t improving. Thankfully after some time, he was able to go home, but Mary’s dad is still in need of prayer for his health. Also, please pray for Mary’s entire family, as our 22-year-old nephew passed away of a sudden accident. All of this happened during our time in AL, and once I arrived on a Monday, that very next day I felt terribly sick. I went to the urgent care walk-in clinic, and the doctor immediately sent me to the hospital emergency room where they told me I would have surgery early the following morning. Wednesday they removed my gal bladder, and after recovering for a few days, we flew back to Mexico for less than 24 hours. The Sunday services were held, and we left early Monday to drive to pick up tracts, Bible, and clothing on the Texas border. We waited 4 hours on the international bridge between Texas and Mexico, and during that time, a few Americans were murdered while others were robbed and carjacked. On our way back into Mexico, we picked up Christmas Joy Gift Bags that were shipped to a location a few hours south of the Mexican border. These were provided by Bro. Paul Deem’sDirectline Ministries. After arriving back home Saturday night, we had a big community event on Sunday, preaching the gospel and passing out the gift bags. In December I went to the main Catholic church in Mexico City on the country’s biggest holiday – the Virgin Mary of Guadalupe’s Day. I passed out tracts to the thousand who made pilgrimages from all over Mexico and even other countries. Many came on their hands and knees, while others came walking barefoot. Oh that they would realize that Mary can’t help, and that only Jesus’ sacrifice is sufficient to dace if they would only repent and accept Him as Savior. Thankfully we have seen many reject their religion and accept Jesus and His truth.

Our regular prayer requests remain very important and that is to pray for our health and safety. Our volcano, Popocatepetl, has been violently active the last couple months causing the pollution to be much worse. Mary has had 3 months of physical therapy that has helped some with her muscle pain and movement. Her neurohematologist recently said she has made some improvement but needs another 3 months of therapy. Hopefully Mary will be much better by furlough and ready to travel. I hurt my back recently moving heavy things at church, and I saw Mary’s doctor last week who thinks I may have one or more herniated discs causing nerve problems. I am waiting for my next appointment for my x-rays to be reviewed. Pray also that all would come together these last upcoming months, as we prepare for furlough.

Since our prayer letter two months ago, our daughter, Hannah, and son-in-law, Mark, started deputation as church-planters in Colorado. Our son, Joseph, and his family moved from Mississippi with plans to help. Mary and I celebrated our 31st wedding anniversary in December. Thanks for everything! We are “… your servants for Jesus’ sake.” 2 Corinthians 4:5.

Bro. Mike Wallace &Family