Wallace’s Missionary Prayer Letter December 2011 – January 2012 (February 10, 2012)
Dear Pastors, Churches, Friends & Family,
Greetings in Jesus’ Name! Well, as I write this letter it is a toasty 83 degrees here. Actually it seems the weather has been mild this winter back in our home state, Ohio, and other places where it is normally cold.
We want to start out by thanking all of our supporters for the faithful prayers and support of us. Thanks also for those who gave extra for special love offerings as Christmas gifts. It is such a blessing to be partners together, not to mention being family – brethren – as children of God due to the new/spiritual birth. Amen!
I wanted to tell you that the gospel still works, though I know you know that it does. It is amazing how open some are to the gospel here. We visited a lady, Paula Garza, while knocking doors last week and she was ready to hear the gospel, as well as to repent and trust Christ as her personal Savior. Praise the Lord! There have been others saved recently, too. Hallelujah! At the same time that day, we met a 12-year-old girl while knocking doors that wasn’t ready. This poor girl had no idea of who Adam and Eve were. She had not heard of heaven or hell, and had heard the name Jesus, but didn’t understand who He is. A sad thought along these lines is that there are many today who have heard of Jesus and other biblical accounts, but refuse to humble themselves and be born-again. One day all will bow (Philippians 2:10) but sadly for the lost, it will be eternally too late to gain Heaven. Many today are trusting their good works, religion, heritage, linage, education, money, business, etc., hoping to make it to Heaven, but Jesus makes it clear in His Word that He is the only way (John 14:6). Back to the young girl we met – we had to start way back in the book of Genesis to begin to teach her about God, creation, sin, etc.
Many of you heard by now about the Casias couple, missionaries to Mexico, that were killed last week close to Monterrey. I communicated with Bro. Casias in the past with ministry questions for him about his experience in Mexico. Non-Christians may call this ironic but my wife, Mary, had been planning a puppet show for our Spanish church for a few months. The timing never worked, so we just kept practicing and postponing it until February 1st. This turned out to be the day after the death of the Bro. & Sister Casias. The puppet show, “Go with the Gospel,” was about the importance of missions. The timing – God’s Timing – was perfect as it really encouraged everyone about the most important thing in the world – taking the gospel to the lost, even to Mexico. Glory to God!
Please continue to pray for our language studies, for our work with the Spanish church, for more souls to be saved, for health/safety, for our van, etc. Don’t forget to thank the Lord for answering many prayers for us. “Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the world of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you.” 2 Thes. 3:1. We pray for you, too. We are your servants for Jesus’ sake (2 Cor. 4:5).
Bro. Mike Wallace & Family