Independent Baptist Missionaries to Mexico City, Mexico

Call Us: (330) 419-0520

Wallace’s Missionary Prayer Letter August 1, 2014 (Jun. – Jul. ’14)

Posted on October 21st 2014

Dear Pastors, Churches and Friends,
August 1 (Jun. – Jul.) 2014

Greetings in Jesus’ Name! Summer is here and things are as busy as ever. We appreciate your prayers & support. It’s a blessing to see the Lord at work in this metropolis. It is exciting to see people saved, baptized & discipled regularly (Amen), but it is sad to see so many areas relatively close to us that have no gospel witness. Please pray for not only our efforts here, but also pray for more laborers in this huge city.

Maurillio was saved last month. Glory to God! He was involved in the cartel and worshipped “Santa Muerte” as many gangsters & cartel do, praying to the death saint to protect them in their sinful endeavors. Maurillio was baptized the following week, then out passing out tracts & sharing his testimony the third week. Hallelujah!

Please pray for our plans as we will take our first furlough next year. We we will be spending time in the U.S. between the Summer of 2015 and the Summer of 2016. Please let me know if you would like to schedule us to come and report to your church. Also, if you planning a ladies’ meeting for your church during that time and need a speaker, my wife would be honored to help. We are hoping to raise some additional financial & prayer support. We have lost some support due to the economy which is normal. New leases on houses, apartments & buildings here have increased 40% in the last two years. Cost for banking as well as vehicle permits, visas, etc. have also increased. We also hope to raise extra for start-up costs for our new church plant when we return to Mexico.

We had weekly camps in July for the younger children and for teens. It was a good time and many decisions were made. Praise the Lord! Pray for our upcoming months. We have VBS the in August. The theme is “Soldiers for Christ” and I am getting all of my military supplies out to use. We are planning some fun things but also using relevant spiritual applications. Also in August we will be participating in a very large evangelistic conference in Mexico City involving churches from Central & South Americas.

“Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you.” (2 Thes. 3:1) We are “…your servants for Jesus’ sake.” (2 Cor. 4:5)

Bro. Mike Wallace and Family