Wallace’s Missionary Prayer Letter April 1, 2022 (Feb. – Mar. ‘22)
Dear Pastors, Friends and Family,
April 1, 2022 (Feb. – Mar. ‘22)
Happy Spring! Thank you for all for your prayers, support and encouragement. The Bible Institute is going well and the students are learning, studying, doing their homework weekly, working on the projects, meeting their requirements for soul-winning weekly, as well as being involved in their respective ministries in the church, and preparing for exams. We have about 15 students enrolled. The end goal of the institute is preparing the students’ lives to minister their best for the Lord.
Please keep praying for our health & safety. Mary’s jaw continues to slowly heal. We have had two incidents since we last wrote where gangs tried to stop us as we ran the bus routes taking people to church, but God kept us safe. We have several groups planning to visit us for missions trip this year, but there is still room if others are interested. We will be having a baptism soon for the many that have been saved lately. We are also making plans to attend some camps & conferences this year, as well as planning for VBS and other outreaches. We ask for your prayers for the Lord to help us find a new building in our new area for our new church. Hope Baptist church continues doing well, and the benches are full almost every week.
Maria Fernanda visited our church for the first time on a Sunday and heard the gospel and was saved. She told her husband José Luis about it. He came Wednesday, heard the gospel and was also born again. They have been faithful to church since. Rebecca is a new believer who has been attending recently. Her husband, Julio, was also interested in why she enjoyed church so much. Julio came, heard the gospel and was saved. It is neat to see how someone’s salvation in a family can draw others, and they too get saved. Just like Acts 16:31 says, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.” Our church has been faithful to go out witnessing publicly and door to door (Acts 20:20), and we have good success in seeing souls saved in the open-air markets with the gospel as Jesus said in Luke 14:23 “Go out into the highways and hedges…” While witnessing to a 26-year-old Alejandro, he was sitting right beside a Santa Muerte statue & altar on the sidewalk and had a big tattoo of the same on his arm.
After sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with him, he repented, trusted Christ and was saved. I believe he was in the local cartel, but now his life is changed, as is his destiny.
I like hearing words from the heart of people who genuinely call on Jesus to save them. Such was the case of Patricia who came to church recently, heard the gospel, being born-again. Afterwards she said, “I knew a lot about religion, but I had never heard anything about a personal relationship with God through salvation by Jesus.” When Raymón bowed his head in tears a few weeks ago accepting Christ, he said, “”Wow! I feel different. I think the Lord will now actually help me change for the better.” Martín was visiting our church for the first time a few weeks ago. I could tell he was under conviction, but he didn’t respond during the invitation, which is fine as we never want to pressure anyone. After the service he called me back, saying, “I am not saved, but I need to be saved, and I want to be saved.” Then, he called on the Savior and was saved.
We are currently hosting several Christians in our home here in Mexico from the Ukraine. They are planning to try enter from Mexico into the U.S. as refugees under the humanitarian aid visa. We live in a crazy world, but it brings such peace to know that God is in control. Thanks for everything. We are “…your servants for Jesus’ sake.” 2 Corinthians 4:5.
Bro. Mike Wallace & Family