Wallace’s Missionary Prayer Letter – 01-02-2007
Pastors, Church Families, Friends & Family:
After many years of serving the Lord in prisons, on the streets, in rescue missions, on foreign missions trips, helping other churches, as well as at our home church, God has called me and my family to full time ministry as missionaries to Mexico City. Our church recently ordained me and two other fine men into the gospel ministry. We will begin our deputation ministry in the near future.
We have previously committed to the prison ministry and we had many good revival meetings in Ohio correctional facilities over the last three months. We know of many souls who made professions of faith, trusting Christ for salvation. It is always exciting to see the unique situations that God saves men from. One example we had recently was of a young boy, Brandon, in a juvenile prison. He admitted being a Wicca but God saved him the last night of a 4-day revival meeting. He sent us a letter just a couple weeks ago saying he threw away all of his witchcraft material, began witnessing to his peers and reading his new Bible for several hours everyday. In his letter he went on to say that God just called him to preach and he plans to go to Bible College when he gets out of prison. Another example at a different prison is of an adult male named Jerry who in his mid-40’s, had never been to church in his life and wasn’t exactly sure who Jesus was. He heard the gospel for the first time that day and after much time witnessing to him after the service, he got saved. Glory to God!
The last few months were especially fruitful door-knocking with our church while we were in town, seeing some souls saved. I also had the opportunity to preach and our family sing a few times at our home church. It is exciting to be members of a church that is on fire for God and a pastor who is dedicated to the Bible.
I finally made the paper! I was mentioned in the news paper’s local crime section, but in a good way. All of my magnetic scripture signs were stolen from my automobile while parked in the parking deck at work. As I looked around the parking deck area, I could not find the signs but I found a city policeman at the top of the parking deck. I told him what had happened and he asked me to describe each sign to him for the police record. After quoting to him the evangelistic verses on about 30 of the signs I had, though very professional, he began to become a little uncomfortable and probably convicted by God’s Word. I was upset having been a victim of a crime, but glad to know God used His Word anyway in that situation for the policeman. I am reminded of what the Lord said about this matter in ISAIAH 55:11 “So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.”
One last blessing is that we were able to see a family member saved while on vacation during Thanksgiving. My daughter, Hannah, was asked what she was most thankful about. She proceeded to give her salvation testimony, witnessed to her cousin, Madilynn, and was able to lead her to the Lord. It is so important to remember that wherever we are, even on vacation, to never take a break from our responsibility as Christians to get the good news of the gospel out.
Well, I must close for now. Please pray for us as we will for you.
Bro. Mike Wallace & Family