Independent Baptist Missionaries to Mexico City, Mexico

Call Us: (330) 419-0520

Wallace’s Missionary Spring Prayer Letter – March to May 2007

Posted on March 8th 2007

Pastors, Church Families, Friends & Family:

The psalmist said in Psalm 17:15 said “As for me, I will behold thy face in righteousness: I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with thy likeness.” It is essential for us Christians to not be satisfied with anything this world has to offer. We need to work hard for God’s glory and the gospel’s sake while we can. When we leave this earth and get to heaven, then we can rest from our laboring for souls, but not until then. Hebrews 4:9 says, “There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.”

The last few months have been a busy time for our family. God has allowed us to be in many meetings as we are getting started with our deputation ministry. We have found that many of God’s churches, pastors and people still have a burden for souls and foreign missions. Praise the Lord! We have been received well and treated kindly. Our regular support is beginning to grow and we are excited about getting to the field. I have never been real good with math though I have taken many courses in school and college. One thing I do know is that 32 million is a BIG number. That is how many people there are in Mexico City, the third largest city of the world. I have never been too good with spelling either, but I know the first two letters in the word GOspel is GO. We count it an honor and privilege to GO with the Gospel to the millions needing to hear of the Savior from the Bible in Mexico’s capitol city.

We are thankful for our home church. When not out of town, we are encouraged by our brethren there who help us and remind us that they are praying for us. We appreciate our pastor who always mentions the need of the gospel and laborers in these last days. At our church’s recent mission conference, pledges exceeded the goal which will allow our church to take on even more missionaries. Hallelujah!

When we are not in meetings at churches, we look for other opportunities to preach the gospel. The warm weather this time of year makes public witnessing exciting. Many people come out where we minister at parades, festivals, ball games, downtown areas, etc. We have seen many souls saved over the last few months in State of Ohio prisons. Glory to God! We ministered at the receiving prison in Lorain and saw God’s Word do a mighty work. We visited two juvenile prisons that we regularly attend a few times a year. It is sad to see what sin, Satan and our society is doing to its youth. It is exciting, however, to see some of Satan’s children (John 8:44) stolen from him when they come to their end, look up and get saved. After returning from a good prison meeting on Easter evening, the transmission in our van went out. Based on our mechanic’s advice, we disposed of the van because we already replaced the transmission before and have been having more repairs lately with just over 200,000 miles on it. As God’s children, we refuse to get discouraged doing our Father’s work. Since then, we have been squeezing into a small sedan crammed full of musical instruments, mission display, luggage, our dog and recently 8 baby bunnies that we found abandoned in our church’s lawn. Please pray for us to be able to get another minivan soon.

One last blessing is that as we continue to witness to our neighbors, we are slowly seeing some saved. Our daughter, Hannah, recently led a 10 year old neighbor, Morgan, to trust Christ as her Savior. Amen! Never stop witnessing to your neighbors. They are our “JerUSAlem” (Acts 1:8) and we are commanded to witness to them, as well as getting the gospel unto the uttermost part of the earth and everywhere in between. Well, I must close for now. Please pray for us as we will for you.

Bro. Mike Wallace & Family