Independent Baptist Missionaries to Mexico City, Mexico

Call Us: (330) 419-0520

Wallace’s Missionary Prayer Letter – June – July 2009

Posted on June 9th 2009

Pastors, Church Families, Friends & Family:  

In Christ’s stead, as Christians, we are His ambassadors to the world (2 Cor. 5:20) to share the good news of salvation.  As with Joseph in Genesis 50:20, God wants to use us “…to save much people alive.”  Amen!  Jesus said in John 9:5 “As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”  Now that Christ has ascended to Heaven, He says to us, “Ye are the light of the world…” (Matt. 5:17). 

There is eternal unrest for those in hell because of not trusting in Jesus.  We have a great, important, and urgent responsibility to get the gospel out.  Hudson Taylor said, “Would that God would make hell so real to us that we cannot rest.”

We are always so thankful when a church takes us on for support.  We had six just take us on in June.  Praise the Lord!  We had a special blessing recently when the church youth group of Pleasant Grove Baptist Church in Dillwyn, Virginia, chose to support us.  The touching story behind this was that we were chosen in memory of 10-year-old Jacob Edwards that died last year of leukemia.  As a member of that church’s youth group, his desire was to be a youth leader to needy children.  His desire to minister will be a legacy that continues in the lives of many needy youth in Mexico City.

Since the last prayer letter, I was reminded of the importance of keeping an ample supply of gospel tracts in my pocket.  You never know how many you will need.  We ran out of gas in southern Ohio and while I was walking to the gas station, I had two tracts left in my pocket.  That proved to be just enough.  One was for the kind soul that picked me up two miles down the road and took me the rest of the way to the service station.  The other was for the attendant there.  A couple weeks earlier, I had over 25 tracts in my pocket, but it was not enough.  I was on an airplane leaving Detroit but it was grounded on the runway due to bad weather.  As the plane sat there for over two hours, I witnessed to the people beside me.  I then decided to walk the rows and pass out tracts during the long wait.  In just a couple minutes I had passed out all of my tracts.  Even 125 tracts would have not been enough. The moral to this story is that it is always better to plan big for God to use you than to be caught short.

I received a good report recently from a church.  The day we were there, the pastor announced that the church might loose its building.  Afterwards, I preached and encouraged the people to not worry, but do all they could in service to God for souls (even if it was just inviting people to church).  A few weeks later the pastor called me and said that a very shy member invited a couple that were in their eighties to church.  Both trusted Christ as their savior.  Hallelujah!  The latest is that the church may keep the building and the people have pledged to continue to seek the lost.

Mexico City can be a dangerous place.  Last month, Allan, a 19-year-old American missionary, was kidnapped there for $300,000 ransom.  After a couple days, he escaped from his captors, setting himself free.  Last month I also spent quite a bit of time knocking doors in a large public housing project area.  One day on separate occasions, I met two rough men in their early twenties who did not have a good understanding of Jesus.  As I spent time reasoning with them through the scripture, both Jack and Justin trusted Christ as their savior and were “set free”.  Glory to God!

Well, I must close.  Please pray for us as we pray for you.  Bye for now.

Bro. Mike Wallace & Family