Wallace’s Missionary Prayer Letter June 1, 2022 (Apr. – May. ‘22)
Dear Pastors, Friends and Family,
June 1, 2022 (Apr. – May. ‘22)
We are excited that we have visitors arriving tomorrow. Then later this month, two other missions trips are scheduled with visitors. We continue to knock doors and witness in the open-air markets, seeing people saved outside & inside our church. Our main mission is church-planting & evangelism, but we were able to do something different in April. We were able to help and host Ukrainian Christians in our home for several days on their way to the U.S. through Tijuana. Having very little as refugees, our Mexican church people were able to help with clothing and money. I also had the opportunity to take a newly saved man in our church who is paralyzed from the waist down to a ministry a couple hours away to get a wheelchair he needed not just to get around, but to sell candy & gum for a living.
Mary’s jaw continues to improve. The UV index has been very high lately as well as the pollution, causing the government to place additional strict restrictions limiting driving even more. The toxic air has caused our heats to have problems again. We hope the air will clear a bit during the rainy season beginning this month, helping our hearts. Thankfully we haven’t had the bad respiratory infection problems recently as we have in the past. We saw a bank robbery last month, a very common occurrence here. The bank robber ran in front of my van, pointing his pistol at me to stop as he jumped on the waiting motorcycle with his friend and sped away. On the same corner at the same time, the corrupt police were collecting their cut of money from the guy that they allow to illegally park cars in the no parking zone. Of course they didn’t respond to the robbery because there was no money in it for them. Please continue to pray for our health and safety. Recently Mary was witnessing to a man named Thomas who lived in a broken-down Volkswagen van. After she witnessed to him, he said he was ready to get saved, but I shared the gospel once more to be sure. He was blind in one eye, but a few tears trickled from his good eye, as he became a child of the King, calling on the Lord for forgiveness and salvation. Though his home (van – with flat tires and no good motor to move it) isn’t much now, what a blessing he now has a mansion waiting for him one day in Heaven.
We had a good Resurrection Sunday during Easter. It is actually a week-long event here called Holy Week. In our area of Mexico, they have live crucifixions. Also people volunteer for the priests to whip their backs until they bleed as a form of penance. People walk for days carrying their crosses, often very large, to arrive at church for the Easter service. But the good news is the gospel still works. While we were out witnessing that week, I was sharing the gospel with a man about my age named Luis Manuel. After several minutes, he said, “I think you have what I am looking for. I need help. Can you come sit down with me and explain this in detail.” That day I didn’t get the opportunity to talk to many people, nor pass out a lot of tracts, but praise the Lord Luis Manuel got saved after witnessing to him for some time. Then being so excited, he gave me a big, tight “bear hug” for what seemed to be at least a minute long. Mary and I are learning a little of a couple Indian languages spoken here in Mexico because for some in our church, it is their first languange, not Spanish. There are over 60 official Indian languages in Mexico, and then there are also more than 350 linguistic variants here also known as dialects, making Mexico one of the countries with the most indigenous languages. Sadly, hardly any have the complete Bible in their language, and few have a portion of the Bible, while others have no portion of the Bible in their language. Speaking of the Bible, our Bible Institute semester ended well this Spring and the next semester started a few weeks ago. We celebrated the Mexican holiday, “Day of the Child” last month as a big gospel outreach. We had over 300 in attendance and many salvations, each receiving their own Bible afterwards. We even had a Jehovah Witness saved that day, as well as several from the area we live in now and plan to start the new church. We gave care packages to the visiting families and gift bags to the visiting children. Many of these new visitors returned to our church the following Sundays. Another person saved was Julia. She was brought by her son, Julio, who was saved a couple months earlier, after his wife, Rebeca, also newly saved, invited him to come to our church. It’s like the domino affect mentioned in Acts 16:31, “…Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.” I was invited to a dentention center for men who were alcoholics, drug addicts and gangsters. We were the first Christina group ever invited. There were 80 in attendance and about 60 repented, trusting Christ as their Saviour – Praise the Lord.
Thanks for everything. We are “…your servants for Jesus’ sake.” 2 Corinthians 4:5.
Bro. Mike Wallace & Family