Independent Baptist Missionaries to Mexico City, Mexico

Call Us: (330) 419-0520

Wallace’s Missionary Prayer Letter June 1, 2013 (Apr. – May ‘13)

Posted on June 1st 2013

Dear Pastors, Churches, Friends & Family,     

June 1, 2013 (Apr. – May ‘13)

Greetings in Jesus’ Name!  We were very busy lately knowing we had just the month of April left in Mexico before heading to the United States for a brief visit.  The month of April was a “shaky” time here.  We had eight earthquakes during the last two weeks of that month which ranged from 5.2 to 5.9 on the Richter scale.  Earthquakes are somewhat common in Mexico City but normally not at that frequency.  Looking back on the seismic activity the reason is clear now because this was all a precursor to the violent eruption of the volcano (Popocatepetl) just outside Mexico City.  This volcano is normally active letting off steam on a regular basis but this time it spewed out molten lava and showered the neighboring towns with much ash.

The church in Mexico City is doing well and is also very busy.  We have had involvement with an orphanage in the area previously but there in a new orphanage that we have just begun to minister in.  The orphans come to our church services but we also have times of puppets, preaching, games, gifts and food at their facility.  There is also a third orphanage that we may begin to work with soon.  Praise the Lord!  Church planting is our emphasis but the Bible speaks highly of helping orphans as James 1:27 says, “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.”  Since there are so many new converts and new members at our church, I have begun a new class just to teach basic Bible doctrines.  Of course we still disciple one-on-one, but I feel this extra teaching is also important.  It was a blessing to see Alejandra baptized recently.  We have baptisms almost every week and they are all blessings.  Alejandra is unique, however, in that she has no legs and just a form of prosthesis.  Not only does she struggle to climb the four flights of stairs to the church every service but that particularly Sunday, though it was very difficult, she climbed into the baptistery to be baptized.  Glory to God!  The church recently had a funeral for a member whose name was Esmeralda.  She was in her late 70s and also struggled with the church steps but she was faithful until her sudden illness.  Since they don’t usually embalm in Mexico, we had her funeral about midnight that night.  At that midnight hour at the end of the funeral service after the gospel was preached, there were two that accepted Christ as their personal Savior.   Hallelujah!

We made it safely out of Mexico last month and we are now in the United States briefly.  This is due to the financial gifts of some and the prayers of many regarding our vehicle.  Thank you to everyone.  As you probably know, our transmission broke just a few weeks before we were to return to the United States but by God’s help and the help of His people, we are here.  Amen!   We were able to have a small graduation party for our son, Joseph, on the Texas/Mexico border.  We then attended our daughter Hannah’s graduation from Bible College in Oklahoma City and her wedding in Colorado.  We leave in a couple days to take our son Joseph to Bible College in California before we return to Mexico City.  I must say that our time in Oklahoma was a bit interesting as we dodged the bad tornados that came through that area recently.

Please pray for our last week or so here in the U.S.  Pray for our time, our travel and the opportunities to minister.  “Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you”  (2 Thes. 3:1).  We pray for you, too.  We are your servants for Jesus’ sake (2 Cor. 4:5).


Bro. Mike Wallace & Family