Independent Baptist Missionaries to Mexico City, Mexico

Call Us: (330) 419-0520

Wallace’s Missionary Prayer Letter February 1, 2016 (Dec. ‘15 – Jan. ’16)

Posted on February 11th 2016

Dear Pastors, Churches & Friends,
December 1, 2015 (Oct. – Nov. ’15)

Greetings in Jesus’ Name!  A belated Happy New Year to you all.  Thank you to those who sent special Christmas love offerings and/or cards to us.  Thanks also to those who pray for us and those who support us.  I trust you all had a good Christmas.  We were able to spend Christmas in Alabama with our parents and other family members.  Stephen and our other children (Joseph from California and Hannah, Mark & baby Jenna Grace from Colorado) all were able to visit us in Alabama during this time.  It was a bit difficult for Mary & her family as her dad was ill and hospitalized during the holidays.  He was later sent to a rehabilitation center but is now back home.  Please pray for his health and the rest of the family who are caring for him at this time.  Though we were sad for his illness, God’s timing is a blessing that these things have happened while we were home of furlough.  Hallelujah!

We have traveled the last couple months in Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Alabama, Tennessee and Kentucky.  I am always grateful when people tell us they are praying for our travels.  We left last month for a missions conference in Tennessee.  I always pack our vehicle putting things in the same place each time.  We had just left our apartment and got onto the interstate.  I have never forgot my Bible but for some reason I doubted I had it.  I pulled off to the side of the interstate, hopped out, opened the back door to the vehicle and looked.  My Bible was there where I always put it.  As I got back in, we took off with just a 5-10 second delay to our trip.  Mary commented, “You have never pulled off to the side of the interstate to check for your Bible.”  I agreed but thought nothing of it.  Five minutes later as we were traveling down Interstate 71, the car up in front of us nearly rear-ended the car in front of him.  The driver then veared to the right to avoid impact but nearly hit a car in the right lane.  The driver then over-corrected swerving into the left lane and began to spin out of control doing a 360 before crossing in front of us and slamming into the concrete median.  Had we not been delayed those 5-10 seconds just minutes before, we would have been directly in the path of the spinout and crash of the driver.  Glory to God for His perfect timing and protection!  That Saturday I left heading back to Ohio as Winter Storm Jonas passed through stranding 3,000 people Friday on my route of Interstate 75 in Kentucky.  The Highway Patrol said the roads were so bad, they could not help the travelers.  I anticipated the worst as I got on the road but fortunately passed safely through though many cars had slid off of the interstate and others were parked & abandoned on the side of the road.  God not only has kept us safe from the dangers of the mission field of Mexico but also here in the U.S. as we travel.  How true is Proverbs 21:31, “…but safety is of the LORD.”  Amen!

Furlough has been a blessing seeing family, friends, supporters and serving where we can, as well as meeting some new friends.  We witness along the way seeing some saved and a few visitors attend churches at our invitation.  Praise the Lord!  We can’t wait, however, to return to Mexico which we now consider our home.

“Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you.” (2 Thes. 3:1)  We are “…your servants for Jesus’ sake.” (2 Cor. 4:5)


Bro. Mike Wallace & Family