Wallace’s Missionary Prayer Letter December 1st, 2012 (Oct. – Nov. ‘12)
Dear Pastors, Churches, Friends & Family,
Greetings in Jesus’ Name! Last month in our home country of America, three states (i.e., Washington, Maine & Maryland) voted by popular vote to legalize same-sex marriage, which added to six previous states (i.e., Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont & New York). Two states (i.e., Washington & Colorado) voted to legalize the recreational use of marijuana joined to the 19 other states who previously approved medical-related possession/use of the drug. By re-electing liberal leadership to our highest office, the majority of America seems to now be anti-Israel, anti-family, anti-Christian, anti-pro-life, anti-God, and “anti” many more right things. This brings great shame and sorrow to our country, not to mention to us Christians. If growing millions of our countrymen are not truly born again, things will only get worse. Factor this with similar or worse positions of all other countries, including Mexico, and there would seem to be no hope. But there is hope, IF Christians would do what we are supposed to do, and that is stand unashamedly for Jesus, the gospel, and Bible truth, as well as speak boldly about the same. Amen! The prophecies of conservative talk-show hosts often fail but the Bible still stands true. Praise God! We need to spend more time listening to God’s Spirit, His Holy Word & godly preachers, but less listening to polls, surveys & unsaved men (no matter how moral they are). We also need to get back to fervent prayer and holy living.
On a positive note and with Thanksgiving just behind us, our family has MUCH to be thankful for. We are thankful for you all who pray for us, financially support us, encourage us, help us, etc. We are also thankful that the Lord has chosen to use us. We are thankful to see many dear souls saved like Marcus who trusted Christ as Savior recently after I approached him on the street while out knocking doors. Hallelujah! That same day, on the other side of the same neighborhood, the Lord allowed my wife to win a middle-aged lady named Deborah to Himself. She is now attending our church. Glory to God! After knocking on Jacquelina’s door recently, she said she moved to our area looking for a better life. She sure got a better life, a new life in Christ, as she repented and accepted Jesus. Rosalita, on a different day told me she was very sick earlier this year and almost died. During that time she also contemplated suicide because she said her life was not worth living. Happily, however, she now knows life is worth living because she by faith personally met the One (Jesus) who loves her and died for her, giving her true life.
Thanks to all of you who take the extra time out of your schedule to send us cards & emails. Over the last several years our email address has changed a couple or few times. We always try to check all of our email accounts from time to time but our most current email address is wallaces2mexico@yahoo.com. Please feel free to use this to contact us or if you know of anyone that would want to receive our prayer letters, they can be requested through this address or via our contact link on our website.
Continue to pray for our health, strength, safety, and especially for more souls to be saved. Also pray for new believers to get baptized and be discipled. In closing, remember the words of Jesus, where He said in Revelation 22:12, “And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.” Brethren, He is coming and not just coming, but coming quickly. He is ready to reward His children for their service. So don’t grow weary in your labor of love for the Master and others as it may not be long now. Don’t give up, don’t give out and don’t give in. Keep up the good work–God’s work–until Jesus comes, which may be soon!
“Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you.” (2 Thes. 3:1) We pray for you, too. We are your servants for Jesus’ sake (2 Cor. 4:5).
Bro. Mike Wallace & Family