Independent Baptist Missionaries to Mexico City, Mexico

Call Us: (330) 419-0520

Wallace’s Missionary Prayer Letter August 1, 2020 (Jun. – Jul ‘20)

Posted on August 3rd 2020

Dear Pastors, Friends & Family,

August 1, 2020 (Jun. – Jul. ’20)

After arriving to the U.S. in late Spring, we officially began our furlough travels these last two months. During this time we have been in Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Texas, Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky, West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan and Colorado. Whew – I feel tired again just writing all of those states down. But, it has been a blessing to report to our supporting churches what a great work God is doing in Mexico City because of them. I have particularly enjoyed preaching in Spanish at some Spanish independent Baptist churches, not to mention, witnessing to people in Spanish as we travel. I get tickled at times to see the faces of Mexicans in the U.S. when we walk up to them and begin not just speaking to them in Spanish, but clearly sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We miss Mexico but it is nice to be in the U.S. again enjoying the fresh air, grass, trees, and many other things we don’t have much of in Mexico. We don’t miss the pollution and the volcano (Popocatepetl) outside of Mexico City which continues to be very explosive, adding much to the already very polluted air. Mexico City also felt a very strong earthquake in June that registered 7.5. The coronavirus has been very bad the last couple months in Mexico City with many deaths, yet they are only testing 3 people per every 100,000. We are planning a trip to visit our church in Mexico in October. We have had no one in our church infected but our church members have had people die in their extended families. We are thankful that our people know how to share the gospel and do so, giving their loved ones hope of eternal life in Heaven through repentance & faith in Jesus Christ for salvation. The economy in Mexico is struggling even worse than before, and we have helped with providing food to our church.

We were glad to see our children & grandchildren recently in Colorado while we had meetings there. We have so much to be thankful for yet so far, we have not been able to spend hardly any time with our parents as we had originally planned & hoped for this furlough. My mom (Dianne) had surgery for cancer recently and is undergoing chemotherapy through 2020 & she will later have radiation next year. With her immune system compromised & because of the Covid19, we have only visited my parents a few times for a few minutes and only out in the yard. Mary’s dad (Jim Crawford), now in his 90s, has some health issues, and we are careful not to jeopardize his health, so we have mainly been able to see them briefly some from outside. With no home, and no real home base, it has made travel very challenging looking for prophets chambers to stay in as we travel, but God is faithful. We are glad that the churches where we have meetings are good to provide lodging for us before or after the meetings. Though much more difficult in the U.S. now with the Covid19, we love ministering here when not in church, passing our tracts, canvasing & witnessing while home on furlough, seeing some fruit for God’s glory. Please keep praying for us here & for our church in Mexico, “la Iglesia Bautista Esperanza” (the Hope Baptist Church).

Thanks for everything. We are praying for you too. We are “…your servants for Jesus’ sake.” 2 Corinthians 4:5

Bro. Mike Wallace & Family