Wallace’s Missionary Prayer Letter April 1, 2021 (Feb. ‘21 – Mar. ‘21)
Dear Pastors, Friends & Family,
April 1, 2021 (Feb. – Mar. ‘21)
God has been so good to us, largely because of folks like you who pray for, support and encourage us. We are excited to finish our furlough soon and to go back to Mexico City. We are finishing our meetngs and working on details for our return to the mission field. Our plan is to buy a 15-passenger van soon and drive it to our parents houses in Alabma to pick up the things we brought out of Mexico and the things we have accumulated. Then, we must drive the van to Texas, empty it to take it across the border into Mexico to get it nationalized (e.g. converted into a Mexican van). This process normally takes a week so we will then fly to Mexico City to find and sign for an apartment. We will then fly back to the border to pick up our van, drive it into the U.S. and load it up with our belongings and with tracts, John/Romans & Bibles to drive back to Mexico City. Soon after, we will begin looking for a building for our new church-plant. We are hoping to get a building with enough extra space to store an 18-wheeler shipment of tracts, John/Romans and Bibles, to expand our gospel distribution ministry for our churches, plus other independent Baptist churches in and around Mexico City. Over time we hope to expand this ministry into other parts of Mexico and Central America. Speaking of using gospel literature, it has been a joy for us during furlough to also help assemble John/Romans through the Seedline Ministry. There is a lot that has to be done over the next couple months so we ask for your specific prayers. Once we get settled on the field, there will again be a lot to be done to start our next church from scratch so please continue praying.
One of our remaining meetings this month will be at our home church, First Baptist Church of Kenmore in Akron, Ohio, for their missions conference. We love our church, pastor and his wife, so this will be a special time. It will be even more special because our daughter, Hannah, and her family will be part of the conference as they too are finishing up their deputation to start their new church in Boulder, Colorado. When we were in Colorado in January for meetings, they were away traveling for meetings, but they allowed us to stay in their house. One day while there, there was a knock at the door and a young salesman in his 20s named Andrew was signing up people for home milk delivery service. Mary answered the door and declined the offer but had a even better offer for him – becoming a child of God. He listened intently and thought seriously as he said he was “seaching,” but he didn’t get saved that day. We told him of the new church-plant there and he asked that we give his name & number to our son-in-law, Mark. Who knows but that Andrew might get saved and become one of the first members of Boulder Valley Baptist Church. Speaking of salvation, I was preaching at a church when a young man named Jason arrived late to the morning service and the church doors were already locked for security reasons. Jason knocked hard on the door and an usher heard it and let him in. He was moved by what he heard and came back that night. I preached a missions message that night but emphasized salvation as a normally do and after the service, Jason got saved. It has been a blessing that God has allowed us to personally lead people to the Lord regularly while on furlough, too. It has also been a blessing in spite of Covid, to see churches meet and often exceed their goals for supporting missions. Along with church meetings, Mary has had the opportunity to speak at several ladies meetings using chalk art for illustrations while she speaks. Apart from these meetings, we have been able to speak at special events like banquets, radio programs, etc. It is a joy serving as a Christian and missionary. We will continue to send our printable prayer letters every other month when we arrive back on the field but we will at that time begin again our weekly updates called “Mike & Mary’s Monday Message from the Mountains of Mexico City” for those who are interested. Thanks for everything. We are praying for you too. God bless! We are… “…your servants for Jesus’ sake.” 2 Corinthians 4:5
Bro. Mike Wallace &Family