Ministry Goals
Wallace Family Ministry Goals
Our primary goals are to:
ESTABLISH autonomous, indigenous Bible-believing Baptist churches
EXALT the Lord Jesus Christ
We planted Hope Baptist Church (Iglesia Bautista Esperanza) several years ago and it serves as our base for other ministries and church plants. Our church allows us to have many ministries within and outside of the church. Our primary geographical focus is on the southwest corner of the City.
Church Planting
It is our desire and plan to plant as many Independent Baptist churches as possible. All other parts of our ministry help the development of the church to allow this main goal to be completed. As a missionary, we use two approaches to starting new churches. We train men to go out from our church to start new churches as God has called them and when they are fully ready. Our other method of planting churches is to also leave our church plants with nationals who are ready to lead the churches as we go to start other churches.
In order to start churches, there must be Christians. In order for people to become Christians, they must first be clearly introduced to the Lord Jesus Christ through the Word of God. Therefore, our ministry is always centered around spreading the gospel message. We do this in the church and through door-to-door witnessing, tract distribution, street preaching, special community evangelistic services, puppets, evangelistic chalk art, English lessons, Bible clubs, in-home Bible studies
Training National Church Leaders
We plan to disciple new converts, training some to be future leaders in the church. We are to commit to faithful men the things which we have been taught. These leaders will in turn take responsibility in their church or of another new church, possibly somewhere else in the world as a missionary. Some of these men assume leadership of the works that we have begun and some go and begin new works of their own.
Short-Term Mission Trip Hosting
Short-term missions trips yield manifold blessings. These trips encourage the Christians who make the trips as well as help the missionary to whom they visit. Furthermore, the effects on those who make the short-term trip are taken back to home churches and further enhance a church’s missions program. The Lord used our overseas military assignments to open our eyes to “foreigners.” He also used our family’s short-term mission trips to direct us in our call to the ministry. We are available to host short-term mission trips to help individuals and groups in the same way the Lord used these to help us. We extend this invitation to our supporting churches and sometimes to other like-minded Baptist churches and Christians. This method will not only make a lasting impression on the lives of those who visit us, but also will make an eternal impact on a multitude of national souls.
Bus Outreach Ministry
The people in Mexico are very poor. The majority are too poor to afford transportation to a weekly church service. We desire to help overcome this obstacle by providing a transportation service. The bus/van program is an important part of seeing souls saved and growing the church.
Compassion Outreach
Jesus was mostly concerned about the eternal souls of men but because of his compassion, He often cared for their physical needs as well. Our primary aim is to preach the gospel but we too recognize that the opportunity to care for people and showing compassion will also cause the good news to be well received. Some examples of these ministries that we are currently involved in is helping the orphans and disabled.
Bible Institute
From the beginning, we disciple new individual converts to learn the Bible. Mike taught in a Bible Institute during his first term. As our churches grow, there is a need for structured training for larger groups of those who feel called into full-time ministry and service. This will is essential to effectively reach the masses in Mexico City as well as in other parts of Mexico, Central America and other parts of the world.
Long Term Plans
Prison And Public School Outreach
Although we do not plan for these to be major venues in reaching the lost in our ministry, we do want to take advantage of every opportunity to reach souls in Mexico City. We have experienced good success in these areas while in the United States and will continue to use these open doors in Mexico. People are people, no matter the location and often institutions like these are good avenues to reach the lost.
Printing Ministry
Tracts and study materials are readily available in Spanish from the United States, and often at a reasonable price, or even free, but postage is normally costly to receive such items, especially in bulk. We plan to start a prison ministry as the Lord provides the equipment and materials.
Orphanage/Children’s Home
Poverty and crime force many children into the streets of Mexico City. There are over 1 million homeless children in this city. We believe that getting children out of these dangerous and sin-laden areas and into a good Christian environment can help them for time and eternity.