Wallace’s Missionary Prayer Letter – October and November 2007
Pastors, Church Families, Friends & Family:
While working on our ministry website recently, I found a website about the world population that I intend to include on our site. A few years ago I heard that three people die every second somewhere in the world. According to recent data, the death rate now is almost six people per second. These figures are alarming. Even more alarming is the fact that most people who die are not heading for Heaven but instead Hell (Matthew 7:13, 14, 21, 22).
The Bible says in 2 Peter 3:9 “The Lord is … not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” The Bible also says of God in 1 Timothy 2:4 “Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.” We need to remember that every soul we see in our daily lives is someone that God doesn’t want to go to Hell but He wants them to be saved. The Apostle Paul was so indebted to God for his salvation (as we all are and should realize) that he said in Romans 1:14, 15 that he was ready to preach the gospel. Oh that more Christians today would be ready and about getting the good news to the many hell-bound souls we pass by everyday. Who knows but that the person we come in contact with on any given day may be another death rate statistic later that day (Proverbs 27:1). What an urgent hour we live in. Lord help us to be serious about souls.
We are so excited about getting back to Mexico City to reach as many dear souls as we can before it is eternally too late. We hear from the missionaries that we visited a few months ago and are encouraged that the Mexican people in their churches are praying for our soon return to reach their relatives and their people with the gospel.
These last couple months have been very busy for our family. There are a lot of missions conferences this time of year and we have been in several. We have also had many good church meetings. When we are not in church services, we try to stay faithful in reaching the lost in prisons, on the street, door knocking, etc.
A couple months ago, most everyone took time to reflect on their lives. Thanksgiving is a wonderful time of year, but as Christians, we should be giving thanks every day to God. The question is, do we? Now at this time of Christmas, folks are remembering that Christ came to this earth. Sadly, many around the world don’t realize that He came the first time and many others don’t truly understand why. We definitely have a job to do so multitudes can hear about the Saviour before He returns the second time.
Thank you to the churches and people that have chosen recently to support us. Thanks also to those who give to, pray for and encourage us. God truly uses His people to be a blessing and I know He will bless them in return.
We should have our website up by the next prayer letter. I will be sure to include the website address at that time. If you know of any pastor or church that might want to have our family visit their church, be sure to tell them of us or tell me of them.
Well, I must close. Please pray for us and we will be praying for you. Bye for now.
Bro. Mike Wallace & Family