Wallace’s Missionary Prayer Letter October 1, 2018 (Aug. & Sep. ’18)
Dear Pastors, Churches and Friends,
October 1, 2018 (Aug. – Sep. ’18)
Our Vacation Bible School (VBS) went well in August. The theme was “Abraham – a friend of God.” Our church prayed for our VBS for a few months and God blessed. We had about 100 in attendance every day, including orphan girls to whom we have been ministering. We had so many come that we had to rent an extra van. We had a good number of teenagers saved and even some parents who attended were born-again. One mom sent her children to our VBS, but she was so poor she refused to receive them back and a family in our church took them in. Apart from VBS, our attendance has grown for all services, and we have at least a couple dozen people every Saturday out soulwinning. It is a blessing to see people saved at church and also in the community as we witness. We had a baptism a couple weeks ago and are discipling the new believer. All these three parts make up the Great Commission. It is always great to see anyone saved, but Alejandro was even more special. He only has one leg and no crutches, but he wanted to come to church. It took me over 10 minutes to get him in the van, and it seemed a bit painful – but it was worth it. The ushers got him out and carried him to his seat. At the end of the service, right in his seat, he asked to be shown how to be saved, and he trusted Christ as his Savior. Though he struggled, hobbling to get back home, I could see in his face that spiritually he was leaping with joy with his new faith in Christ, being born again.
We plan on participating this year in the Christmas Joy Gift Bag program through Bro. Paul Deem’s Directline Ministry. If you are interested in helping us through them, the deadline to contact them is October 1, but I imagine a day or so later might still be acceptable. They will provide you with what is needed and then they will begin picking up the prepared bags by November 11. They will be shipped to Mexico where I will pick them up about 12 hours north of us in December. The easiest way to notify them of your intentions is through their website – (cut & paste this link) https://www.directlineministry.com/christmas-joy-gift-bags/ and there is also a video about the project and how to pack them. At the bottom is an online form to complete to participate. You can also get their email address and/or phone number from the website. There is a brochure link on the webpage that gives more details. This will be a huge blessing to be able to help the poor here and give the children a gift at Christmas along with giving them & their parents a gospel message on the best gift – God’s gift of salvation through Jesus.
In late August we made a quick trip to the U.S. to see our newest grandchild’s birth, Brady, and his proud parents, Joseph & Joanna. While there we picked up tracts and ministry supplies that included over 50 teeshirt dresses that my aunt Maxine’s church made and lots of coloring books, crayons, pencils, etc. that my parents had bought. Some of this went to orphans and the poor in our church. Mary has struggled since March with parasites and amoebas, taking five regimens of medications including a very strong antibiotic each time prescribed by her gastroenterologist. Unfortunately, she had no success, but since has started an alternative treatment. She is beginning to feel better but would still covet your prayers for her health. When we returned to Mexico, Mary developed a severe problem with breathing. Coming back from one doctor visit here in Mexico, we missed being hit by a mudslide by just a few minutes. A couple weeks earlier a large dump truck lost its brakes ½ block from the church and caused a terrible accident killing several. Please keep praying for our health & safety. We had a great missions conference on our church’s second anniversary which was also Mexico’s Independence Day. We are now supporting two Mexican missionaries who are going to countries in South America. We were able to help clothe, house and get a job for an orphan girl that turned 18 and had to leave the orphanage. Thanks! We are “…your servants for Jesus’ sake” (2 Cor. 4:5).
Bro. Mike Wallace & Family