Wallace’s Missionary Prayer Letter June 1, 2017 (Apr. ‘17 – May ’17)
Dear Pastors, Churches and Friends,
June 1, 2017 (Apr. – May ’17)
I reported in our printable prayer letter two months ago on what I believe was a miracle that the Lord did for Mary contrary to so many doctors’ opiniones, tests, exams, reports, etc. She is still cancer-free! I am also glad to report since two months ago that Joseph’s neurosurgeon told him after reviewing the last CT scan that the cadaver bones have started to grow in his neck and no more reconstructive surgery is necessary. Another answer to prayer is Joseph’s insurance agreed to cover most of his almost ½ million dollars in medical bills. Joseph graduated from Bible college in May and plans to return to begin his Master’s Degree next Spring. He was recently engaged to Joanna Carr and they plan to get married in October. Joseph is now working as a pastoral assistant at Faith Baptist Church in Gulfport, Mississippi.
Not to be outdone by Mary & Joseph, I recently spent 4 days in a mexican hospital due to a very large kidney stone. God sent a Jewish lady named Ana to help us find a good surgeon and Mary has now become friends with her. Pray this contact would further our Jewish outreach. They did surgery then inserted and later removed a stint. Mexican hospitals are completely different than in the U.S. so I am glad that the procedures and treatment went well. My health insurance would not pay my bills before I left the hospital. Armed security guards are posted at the entrances/exits of the hospitals to ensure your insurance has agreed to pay or that you have personally paid your bill before they let you leave. Since I have an exemption on my health insurance policy due to a pre-existing condition with past episodes of kidney stones, I had to charge just over $11,150 (US) on my credit card. I have asked my insurance to grant an exception, and though they probably won’t, I ask thay you pray about this.
Church is going well. As our young church is growing, our members equally face similar trials. The last 2 months we’ve had our people ill, hospitalized and operated on. We have also had deaths in families of our church members, mothers expecting, new babies born, etc. We have recognzied the recent holidays in our church the last couple months like Easter/Resurrection, Kid’s Day, Mother’s Day, etc. We have seen souls saved and baptized. With the crazy busyness of life in the big city of Mexico City’s mega-metropolis, along with our personal lives, growning a young church and all that comes with it such as just a little that I mentioned above, I can say you will never hear us say we are bored with nothing to do. On the contrary, we are excited to have such a important responsibility serving our King Jesus.
Mexico was recognized this year as the second most dangerous country in the world, second only to Syria. Also, the air quality index levels here recently have been “in the red” near the top of the scale and considered dangerous & hazardous to be outside due to the pollution. This causes our our nose, eyes and throat to burn, making it difficult to breath at times. Please continue to pray for the rainy season to start soon to help with this problem. Keep praying for our health & safety. Keep praying also for our church and for a permanent church building. Thank you so much for your prayers, financial support, encouragement and interest in our family, missions & Mexico. We never cease to feel honored to serve here in Mexico City and are privileged to be an extension of so many people & churches for God’s glory and the Great Commission. We’re praying for you, too. We are “…your servants for Jesus’ sake.” (2 Cor. 4:5).
Bro. Mike Wallace & Family