Wallace’s Missionary Prayer Letter August 1, 2016 (Jun. – Jul. ’16)
Dear Pastors, Churches & Friends,
August 1, 2016 (Jun. – Jul. ’16)
We finished our furlough in June and are safely back in Mexico City now. Praise the Lord! We drove down to Alabama to see our parents and families one last time. While in Alabama, we found a good church van (15-passenger) online located at a dealership in Mississippi. Normally I avoid buying cars at dealers because they mark their prices up more than buying private party. Finding a 15-passenger van that fit the year requirements for Mexico to nationalize it, as well as with relatively low mileage at a good price was difficult, so we decided to go see this one. When we arrived the sales manager showed us the van. I was anticipating a good “top-dollar” sales pitch but by faith believed God led us to the only vehicle that would work for us at this time. As we began to witness to the sales manager, he told us he was a Christian and gave us his salvation testimony. He was a highschool football star and received a scholarship to college. While in college he fell into drugs & alcohol and later was admitted to a hospital for detoxification. He then went to a Christian young men’s home, where he heard the gospel and was saved. He asked us about ourselves and we told him we were missionaries. He then dropped the price of the van way below wholesale then gave us over $1,000 off of that price, along with a full 35 gallon tank of gas and an extended warranty. Hallelujah and Glory to God!
After we got our van in June, we drove to Houston, Texas and flew to Mexico. While in Mexico City we found a small apartment on the corner of streets – Mount Calvary & Mountain of the Cross. We also found a church building we like five minutes from where we live located on a street called Mount Sinai. If you haven’t guessed from the names, Mexico City is very mountainous but what a blessing to daily be reminded on places in the Bible as we come and go. It is an area on the west edge of the city called Naucalpan. There are over 1 million souls with no gospel preaching church. We are excited and glad to be back. Amen! Please continue to pray for us as we begin this second term. Along with sending out our prayer letters every other month, for those on our email list, I am thinking about doing a short weekly update every week on Mondays. It will most likely be called “Mike & Mary’s Monday Message from the Mountains of Mexico City (can you think of more words with “M” that I could use – Ha Ha). I guess I could shorten it using ‘N’s” and call it a “Note from Naucalpan.” We will probably sum up these weekly updates into a mini-monthly letter at the end of every other month for those who choose not to read the weekly updates. We want to try to keep people as informed as we can on what is going on here in Mexico City so they can pray for us more specifically. We also like hearing from folks in the United States so feel free to email us (wallaces2mexico@yahoo.com), call our US Vonage apartment line (956) 467-5324, or call/text my U.S. cell. phone (330) 419-0520. We also use Skype, etc., but if you use some other means of communicating, let us know.
We are in a bit more dangerous area this term so pray for our safety. Pray also for our health and for souls to be saved. Pray for our youngest son (Stephen) who is working in the U.S. in construction this summer and will begin Bible college in the Fall. Pray for our son (Joseph) who has one year left in Bible college. Pray for our daughter Hannah as she serves with her husband Mark, who is a youth pastor in Colorado. We pray for you all, too. Thanks your financial support and/or prayers. We are “…your servants for Jesus’ sake.” (2 Cor. 4:5)
Bro. Mike Wallace & Family