Wallace’s Missionary Prayer Letter April 1, 2015 (Feb. – Mar. ’15)
Dear Pastors, Churches and Friends,
April 1, 2015 (Feb. – Mar. ’15)
Though Spring is officially here now, we don’t have drastic changes in temperature here in Mexico City from season to season, but things are blossoming now. The forecast here doesn’t change much – usually warm, mostly sunny and always polluted. It is not the rainy season yet but we are getting some rain which is a blessing because it cleans the air as does the strong winds that are beginning now, too. Amen!
The time leading up to Easter is eye-opening here. Religious people from all over will make pilgrimages to the Basilica in Mexico City at this time. I am still amazed to personally see people crawl on their hands and knees to church. Some people here will even whip their backs until they bleed and a few will wear a real crown of thorns.
I’ve been visiting a family in the mountains weekly that used to attend church regularly. During my visits, I have also met some other family members, two in particular are José Gadalupe (“Lupe”) and his nephew, Rafael. Last week, Lupe who has struggled with alcohol, happened to be sober when I was there. I had witnessed to him before and he wanted to talk more this day but his nephew, Rafael, was also there and had several large bottles of beer. I told Rafael to come back later and I shared the gospel with Lupe again. Lupe began to tear up, then trusted Christ as Saviour. Hallelujah! RafaeI returned and I believe because of a new conviciton, Lupe didn’t want to see Rafael’s beer and went inside. I had witnessed to Rafael before, too, and since Lupe was no longer available, Rafael and I began to talk. Rafael then allowed me to share the gospel with him and Rafael trusted Christ, too. Glory to God! What a day!
Some good news: we recently received our last temporary resident visa. We can’t drive during the visa re-application process which takes about a month but thankfully we can walk or take taxis, buses, the metro, or catch a ride with our missionary friends during these times. Thankfully our next visas will make us permanent Mexican residents. Praise the Lord!
Thanks for your prayers, support, encouragement (though cards, calls & emails, etc.). “Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you.” (2 Thes. 3:1) We are “…your servants for Jesus’ sake.” (2 Cor. 4:5)
Bro. Mike Wallace and Family