Wallace’s Missionary Prayer Letter April 1, 2014 (Feb. – Mar. ’14)
Dear Pastors, Churches and Friends,
April 1, 2014 (Feb. – Mar. ’14)
Greetings in Jesus’ Name! Without God’s help and your partnership, our ministry in this huge city would not be possible. Thank you! We are finally able to drive again after almost two months. Hallelujah! We now have our visas renewed and we have our driving permit. I am still waiting on a letter from the government through my lawyer saying we can legally drive. Please pray about this. Many police here would gladly take my car from me and fine me either because they don’t know the new laws for visas & Americans with foreign plates or they know the laws but because they are corrupt, they ignore them in hopes of illegally making money. One a side note, I learned something new recently. Mexicans in general are bad drivers but I just found out why. A man in our church just received his driver’s license so I asked him about the “process” of learning how to drive. His said “What process?” “You just give them money and they give you a license – there is nothing to learn about driving, signs, rules and laws.”
Things are going good in the church. It was a blessing recently to see a young couple, Blanca & Carlos, both get saved and baptized on the same day. Praise the Lord! It is also a blessing that the orphan girls like coming to church so much. Recently one of them said, “I want to be adopted by a family at the church.” Pray if it be God’s will, that families in the church might adopt some of these girls in time. The Bible Institute started a new semester and it is going well. Mary spoke last month at a ladie’s conference north of Mexico City where about 300 women attended. Our Jewish conference went well. Mary and I personally made some new friends with Jews in the area and we are praying for them. One “contact” was amazing. We left some invitations at a kosher bread store. During the same time a young Jewish lady who lives in Samaria, Israel told her mom while studying current events in college, that there are some Christians who love Jewish people. She told her mom who lives here in Mexico City to make contact with some Christians to confirm this. The lady told her daughter in Israel that she didn’t know any Christians here nor any churches, much less any that cared for Jewish people. Later that day, the mother went to the bread store here and saw our invitations and came to the conference. Amen! She was surprised how well she was welcomed and treated while here at church. She told me that she wanted to stay in contact with us & our church. Glory to God! We also have made good friends with another Jewish lady who we have been visiting regularly named Victoria. We also have other Jewish contacts.
Please continue to pray for our health. I have been sick for over two months now with a respiratory problem caused by the polution and I can’t seem to overcome it. Please pray for our safety, too. A new report was just released here stating the State we live in is the second most dangerous area of Mexico with 2,367 documented felony homicides related to organized crime in about the last 13 months, which is almost 200 per month. “Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you.” (2 Thes. 3:1) We are “…your servants for Jesus’ sake.” (2 Cor. 4:5)
Bro. Mike Wallace and Family